The Role of a Funeral Director
The funeral director’s role is to make all the arrangements for the funeral service, arrange all the necessary preparations for the deceased, and offer support and guidance to the bereaved family. At this grievous time, your funeral director will try to ease the burden by taking on the majority of the workload that comes with arranging a funeral. We’ve created an overview of exactly what they do.
Prior to the Funeral
- Organising the transferral of your loved one to the chosen funeral home, or assisting you if you wish them to remain at home.
- Caring for the deceased and providing facilities where family and friends can pay their respects and say goodbye.
- Guiding you through all the legal processes such as registering the death and completing any necessary documentation.
- Getting in contact with the church, cemetery or crematorium to set the date and time of the funeral service.
- Arranging a newspaper or church announcement, if required.
- For a burial, offering a choice of coffins to suit various budgets and requirements
- Arranging any floral tributes for the graveside, coffin, or funeral service decor.
- Booking transport to and from the funeral, and any catering required.
On the Day of the Funeral
- Arranging the transport of your loved one to the place of the funeral service.
- Providing transport for family and funeral guests, where required.
- Ensuring that the wishes of the deceased, and of the bereaved family, are reflected in all the funeral arrangements.
- Arranging any personal requests, such as music for the service, or dove releases.
- Putting out Order of Service sheets ready for the funeral service.
- Transporting floral tributes and decor to the funeral location
- If your funeral guests are making charity donations instead of bringing flowers, accepting these donations on your behalf, both in person and online.
After the Funeral
- If there has been a cremation, helping the bereaved family with arrangements for scattering the ashes, or for preserving them.
- If required, arranging your loved one’s remains to be transported either to another location within the country, or overseas.
- Arranging for any donations to be put forward to the relevant organisations or charities.
- Arranging for a headstone to be placed at the gravesite.
Why not consider an eco-friendly funeral service to honour your loved one? Read our article here for more ideas.